First of all, i wanna apologize for the inconvenience to read this post.. I purposely do it so cz.. well, like the title suggest out of the ordinary.. and spice up a little to blog reading.. Congratulation to you.. The fact you manage reading this this post shows you are not computer illiterate..
Anyway, it sure is a long time since my last post.. Well, this post is just to clear my mind off something anyway.. Nothing of particular importance..
Alright, this is how the story goes.. Something happens today that i can't help but ponder is there anything that is called coincidence? No coincidence doesnt seems right, perhaps fate is a better choice of word.. When every path you choose in a day actually contribute to a event you never foresee on that day or in the future..
This is my story:
I follow my usual routine for wednesday, which comprises of me waking up, going to structure programming lab and Energy Balance's tutorial. Nothing out of the ordinary till this point.. Then, it's time to get my lunch..
If i had gone to my usual routine, i would had miss what i called an unforeseen encounter.. While im walking to get my lunch from passing through pocket D, im told that there is a free lunch at the undercroft.. Usually, i would have turn down such offer but, a part of me says "Dude, free meal!! Why not??"
Upon reaching the undercroft, came doubt within me.. Together with me is Ben Li and Win Sin. Since its an event by SPE, we feel we are out of place there. At some point, all three of us plan to go back and eat back at V2. Just when im about to turn back, DG came for the lunch to.. And so, we stayed for the lunch.. And soon, Ben Li and Win Sin backed out and leave me there.. Another option for me to choose.. Leave with them or stay there.. I choose to stay.. Lucky my bro, DG is with me so, i wouldnt be by myself..
Then, let me fast forward the event for you, readers. Before the lunch starts, there is a talk.. Haha.. So much for a free meal.. Bt, to get to listen to a talk to get free food, i believe its what i called "equivalent exchange".. Hahaha.. After the lunch, Han Shen joined me and DG.. I planned to go back to my room after the lunch..
And here comes choice in my path.. Han Shen plan to go print his lecture notes.. Usually at this circumstances, I would split with them and went back my room.. However, today, i dunno why i decided to join him printing the notes.. It's some fun times talking some nonsense with this 2 bro of mine and learned bout Battle Station.. LOL!!
After finish printing the notes, we all plan to go back to our room.. I would have usually taken a different path from my bros would have taken, a shortcut to my room.. But, today, that path is blocked by 3 guards.. I decided to take a detour because i did not have my matric card on me.. Had i walk there, i would gt a RM30 summon and also i would not have written this piece of post.. And it was when im walking with them that i had a "rare encounter". Hehe..
Believe it or not, i had only met her once here in my uni and that is just by chance.. This encounter is the 2nd one.. Before the first meeting, I never seen her anywhere in uni before.. Haha, jz show that i don't go hunting for girls.. XD
C'mon it's been almost 2 month into this new semester where i had never seen her before.. And all of this just have to happen a few days after the event im involved?? Coincidence? Perhaps..
Let summarize my today's "path":
1) I choose to go for free lunch than the usual V2 lunch.
2) I choose to stay for the lunch when Ben Li and Win Sin leave.
3) I choose to hang out with Han Shen and DG rather than going back my room. (under normal circumstances, i would have go back my room)
4) Three guards block my usual way back to my room forcing me to take a detour.
Had i choose not to do one of them, I would not have written this piece of post..
Being an outsider, this post probably doesn't make much sense. But that is the whole point.. It's to retain the anonymity. Now, is there anything called fate?? I for one doesn't believe this fate crap and believe its the person effort that makes to where they are.. However, after this, it gives me a new prespective that there are things that maybe fate had a better chance at success rather than effort..
This incident is jz an example of my question.. Does everything happens for a reason?
Wondering away...
Burgundy by Sunset Rollercoaster
4 weeks ago
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